Tuesday 23 April 2024

The Ghanaian Teacher (Opinion) - AminuWrites Tv

 *Are the Food Displayed on the Negotiations Table The Only Challenge of the Ghanaian Teacher?*


_You see, the challenge with the Ghanaian teacher is not about the work._

_Rather it is about those who claim to be fighting for the teacher._

_They will go and sign nice English and leave it to rust in the books._

_We as members will shout, complain, write and share on social media and then we will go and sleep._


_We are not covered under any Insurance Package. Be it Health, Accident or Death._ 

_I don't know why, in all our conversations with Mr. Government this thing about our Insurance doesn't pops up._

_The last time there was an attempt to resolve this issue of Insurance for teachers, our Union Leaders and us threatened Mr. Government of an Industrial Action if he dare touch our ¢10.00._

_We cannot continue this way._

_No matter how high your Salary is, if you don't have an Insurance Package, then I am afraid you are doomed._

_Just switch on your Television and you can count the number of teachers seeking funds to under go medical treatment._

_Why are we the only workers in this bracket?_

_Time for action is now. Mr. Government cannot claim to be doing well in education if the pushers of its education agenda are not properly insured._ 

Think about This...

*By AminuWrites, CEO, AminuWrites Tv Inc*

Whatsapp: 233244299706

Blog: https://aminuwrites.blogspot.com

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