Tuesday 11 June 2024

University of Education, Winneba 2023 Graduates to take note-Aminuwrites

The University of Education, Winneba (UEW), informs the 2023 graduands and the general public that the Second Session of the 28th Congregation will take place in-person from tomorrow, Wednesday, 12th June, 2024, to Saturday, 15th June, 2024, at the Jophus Anamuah-Mensah Conference Centre, North Campus, Winneba. 

The ceremony will award degrees, diplomas, and certificates to graduands of the College of Distance and e-Learning (CODeL) and the School of Graduate Studies, as follows:

Kindly follow the URL below for more information


Sunday 9 June 2024

NTC RELEASES 2024 GTLE 1 & 2 - AminuWrites Tv

 NTC Releases 2024 GTLE 1 & 2 Results.

The National Teaching Council (NTC) is set to release the 2024 Ghana Teacher Licensure Examinations 1 & 2 Results on Monday, 10th June, 2024. 


All candidates can check their results from the NTC Online Portal at https://exams.ntc.gov.gh  by using either;

i. their pins given during the registration or 

ii. their examinations Index Numbers and their phone numbers.

NB. Candidates are advised to print their Provisional Certificate after checking the results.

Some Tips & Tricks in teaching 

© 2024 AminuWrites Inc. 

Sunday 19 May 2024

Interview for School Improvement Support Officer (SISO), Circuit Supervisor - Ghana Education Service

Ghana Education Service|Ministry of Education 

The School Improvement Support Officer (SISO) formally Circuit Supervisor, of the Ghana Education Service typically oversees various aspects of 

👉school development,

👉 curriculum implementation, 

👉teacher training, 

👉student assessment, 

👉overall educational quality enhancement. 

👉Data collection of teachers, learners, learning, teaching resources, etc 


👉 coordinate with schools to identify areas for improvement, develop action plans, and provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure schools meet educational standards and goals.



1. Describe yourself as a professional.

2. Why do you think you should be selected over all others?

3. Describe any encounter/experience you had with a School Improvement Support Officer or a Headteacher or an Officer of the Education Service.

4. Why do you want to be a School Improvement Support Officer? 

5. How would your appointment going to affect the overall vision and mission of Education Directorate and Education as in general?

6. What are some changes you would like to see happen in this District or Municipal?

7. You have worked with some School Improvement Support Officer. Which of them would you like to be like and why?

8. Describe briefly the main Objectives of the Ghana Accountability for Learning Outcomes Project. 

9. Describe the role of the School Improvement Support Officer in School Performance Improvement Plan. 

10. What is your view about the change of name from Circuit Supervisor to School Improvement Support Officer?

11. Describe the roles of the School Improvement Support Officer in improving performance in the schools.

12. State with examples steps by steps on how to access the Capitation Grant. 

13. What are the roles of the School Management Committee in the schools?

14. Describe how to deal with a difficult teacher/headteacher. 

15. What would you say is your greatest achievement in your teaching career so far?

16. Parents are the main contributory reasons to mass failures in our schools. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this assertion?

17. State the Vision and the Mission of the Ghana Education Service.

18. "Professional Learning Community (PLC) just like Continuous Professional Development Day (CPD DAY) is another time wasting exercise." What is your position on this?

19. Describe some of the Core Competencies and how should teachers develop at least four of them in the classroom. 

20. Take us through the steps in preparation of an Action Plan for a school.

© 2024. AminuWrites Inc. 

Tuesday 23 April 2024

The Ghanaian Teacher (Opinion) - AminuWrites Tv

 *Are the Food Displayed on the Negotiations Table The Only Challenge of the Ghanaian Teacher?*


_You see, the challenge with the Ghanaian teacher is not about the work._

_Rather it is about those who claim to be fighting for the teacher._

_They will go and sign nice English and leave it to rust in the books._

_We as members will shout, complain, write and share on social media and then we will go and sleep._


_We are not covered under any Insurance Package. Be it Health, Accident or Death._ 

_I don't know why, in all our conversations with Mr. Government this thing about our Insurance doesn't pops up._

_The last time there was an attempt to resolve this issue of Insurance for teachers, our Union Leaders and us threatened Mr. Government of an Industrial Action if he dare touch our ¢10.00._

_We cannot continue this way._

_No matter how high your Salary is, if you don't have an Insurance Package, then I am afraid you are doomed._

_Just switch on your Television and you can count the number of teachers seeking funds to under go medical treatment._

_Why are we the only workers in this bracket?_

_Time for action is now. Mr. Government cannot claim to be doing well in education if the pushers of its education agenda are not properly insured._ 

Think about This...

*By AminuWrites, CEO, AminuWrites Tv Inc*

Whatsapp: 233244299706

Blog: https://aminuwrites.blogspot.com

UEW Invest & Inducts Professor Stephen Jobson Mitchual as 5th Vice- Chancellor - AminuWrites Tv


The University of Education, Winneba (UEW), witnessed a historic event as it officially welcomed Prof. Stephen Jobson Mitchual into office as its 5th Vice-Chancellor on Friday, 19th April, 2024.

The investiture ceremony, held at the Jophus Anamuah-Mensah Conference Centre on the North Campus of Winneba, was a grand affair attended by notable dignitaries and luminaries from various fields.

Kindly follow the URL below for detail 


© 2024. AminuWrites Tv Inc. 

Friday 19 April 2024




1. What is Jerome Bruner best known for?

   a) Psychoanalytic theory

   b) Social learning theory

   c) Cognitive development theory

   d) Behaviorist theory

   Answer: c) Cognitive development theory


2. According to Bruner, learning is an active process that involves:

   a) Passive reception of information

   b) Rote memorization

   c) Discovery and inquiry

   d) Following instructions

   Answer: c) Discovery and inquiry


3. Bruner emphasized the importance of:

   a) Repetition and drill

   b) Extrinsic motivation

   c) Active engagement and interaction

   d) Standardized testing

   Answer: c) Active engagement and interaction


4. Bruner's theory of scaffolding refers to:

   a) Providing support and guidance to help learners reach higher levels of understanding

   b) Isolating learners from social interactions

   c) Removing all assistance to promote independence

   d) Fostering competition among learners

   Answer: a) Providing support and guidance to help learners reach higher levels of understanding



5. According to Bruner, learners construct new ideas or concepts based on their:

   a) Innate abilities

   b) Environment

   c) Genetic predispositions

   d) Prior knowledge and experiences

   Answer: d) Prior knowledge and experiences


6. Bruner's theory is often associated with which educational approach?

   a) Traditional teacher-centered instruction

   b) Constructivism

   c) Direct instruction

   d) Behaviorism

   Answer: b) Constructivism


7. Which of the following is NOT a stage in Bruner's model of cognitive development?

   a) Enactive

   b) Iconic

   c) Symbolic

   d) Concrete operational

   Answer: d) Concrete operational


8. Bruner believed that learning should be:

   a) Passive

   b) Child-centered

   c) Teacher-directed

   d) Rigidly structured

   Answer: b) Child-centered

9. According to Bruner, what is the role of the teacher in the learning process?

   a) To provide all information directly to students

   b) To facilitate and guide students' discovery and understanding

   c) To assess and grade students' performance

   d) To maintain discipline and order in the classroom

   Answer: b) To facilitate and guide students' discovery and understanding


10. Bruner emphasized the importance of:

    a) Standardized testing

    b) Individual differences among learners

    c) Uniform curriculum for all students

    d) Memorization of facts

    Answer: b) Individual differences among learners


11. Bruner's concept of the "spiral curriculum" suggests that:

    a) Learning progresses in a linear fashion

    b) Concepts are revisited and developed over time at increasing levels of complexity

    c) Curriculum should be standardized for all students

    d) Students should focus on one subject at a time


Answer: b) Concepts are revisited and developed over time at increasing levels of complexity


12. Which term did Bruner use to describe the process of organizing information into mental structures?

    a) Conditioning

    b) Encoding

    c) Scaffolding

    d) Categorization

    Answer: d) Categorization


13. Bruner's theory emphasizes the importance of:

    a) Rote memorization

    b) Context and culture in learning

    c) Passive reception of information

    d) Punishment and rewards

    Answer: b) Context and culture in learning

Download more GES Promotions Questions

14. According to Bruner, effective learning occurs when:

    a) Learners are passive recipients of information

    b) Instruction is teacher-centered

    c) Learners are actively engaged and motivated

    d) Learning is isolated from real-world contexts

    Answer: c) Learners are actively engaged and motivated


15. Bruner believed that learners should be encouraged to:

    a) Conform to societal norms

    b) Explore and discover new ideas

    c) Rely solely on external rewards for motivation

    d) Memorize information without understanding its significance

    Answer: b) Explore and discover new ideas


16. Bruner's theory suggests that learning is:

    a) A solitary activity

    b) Influenced by genetics alone

    c) Social and collaborative

    d) Dependent on intelligence quotient (IQ)

    Answer: c) Social and collaborative


17. Which educational strategy aligns with Bruner's theory?

    a) Lecture-based instruction with minimal student participation

    b) Inquiry-based learning that encourages exploration and discovery

    c) Strict adherence to a predetermined curriculum

    d) Competitive classroom environments

    Answer: b) Inquiry-based learning that encourages exploration and discovery


18. Bruner's theory highlights the importance of:

    a) Passive learning experiences

    b) Fixed intelligence

    c) Providing opportunities for creativity and problem-solving

    d) Focusing solely on academic achievement

    Answer: c) Providing opportunities for creativity and problem-solving



19. Bruner's theory has been influential in shaping educational practices that prioritize:

    a) Rote memorization and drill

    b) Standardized testing

    c) Active engagement and critical thinking

    d) Teacher-centered instruction

    Answer: c) Active engagement and critical thinking


20. According to Bruner, learning is influenced by:

    a) Genetics alone

    b) Social interactions, culture, and language

    c) Environmental factors only

    d) Fixed intelligence

    Answer: b) Social interactions, culture, and language

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Step By Step Guide To Teach Fraction - AminuWrites


1. Introduce the Concept: Begin by explaining that fractions represent parts of a whole. Use visual aids like pie charts or fraction bars to illustrate this concept.

2. Define Terms: Teach them the vocabulary associated with fractions such as numerator (the top number) and denominator (the bottom number).

3. Start with Halves and Quarters: Begin with simple fractions like halves and quarters. Show them how to divide a shape or object into two equal parts for halves, and into four equal parts for quarters.

4. Hands-On Activities: Engage them in hands-on activities like cutting fruits or cookies into halves and quarters. This helps them understand the concept practically.

5. Equivalent Fractions: Once they grasp the basics, introduce the concept of equivalent fractions. Show them that fractions like 1/2 and 2/4 represent the same amount.

6. Comparing Fractions: Teach them how to compare fractions using common denominators or by visualizing fractions on a number line.

7. Addition and Subtraction: Introduce simple addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator. Use visual aids to help them understand the concept.

8. Practice, Practice, Practice: Provide plenty of opportunities for practice through worksheets, games, and real-life situations. Repetition is key to mastering fractions.

9. Fraction Games: Incorporate games and activities that make learning fractions fun and interactive. There are many online resources and board games designed specifically for teaching fractions.

10. Real-Life Applications: Finally, show them how fractions are used in everyday life, such as in cooking recipes, telling time, and measuring ingredients. This helps reinforce the relevance of fractions in the real world.

University of Education, Winneba 2023 Graduates to take note-Aminuwrites

The University of Education, Winneba (UEW), informs the 2023 graduands and the general public that the Second Session of the 28th Congregati...