Sunday 10 November 2019

5 Things Every Coach Should Do During PLC Session

Professional Learning Community (PLC) is a meeting of Professional Facilitators and other educators to share and help one another, to improve teaching and learning and professionalism.
According to the Ghana Education Service, PLC should be organised once a week, preferably Wednesday, an hour before the closing time.

1. Take Records
There should be records of meeting of every PLC Session every week. This record should be kept by the Coach, CEO and the the school. The records should contain Attendance, and summary of all the issues discussed.

2. Encourage Active Participation
Most Facilitators would not talk at PLC Sessions based on the following reasons:
1. Fear of making mistakes in grammar or content.
2. Insecurity or the fear of been attack or victimized after a suggestion
3. Topics that Do not affect them directly.

It is the duty of the Coach and the CEO to solve the above problems and more to make PLC Sessions participatory.

3. Encourage participants to give Suggestions.
PLC Coaches should provide the needed environment for Facilitators to make contributions and recommendations. During every sessions, the Coach should review progress made after the last PLC Sessions. The recommendations and contributions made should be implemented to make it easy for facilitators to make more contributions. They can do this with CEOs to monitor the progress made.

4. Time Concious
PLC Sessions should not unduly delay or seem to be a time wasting exercise. Time should be given a priority during PLC Sessions.  This will motivate the facilitators like PLC Sessions.

5. Facilitators Directed Discussions
PLC Coaches should make sure they provide opportunity for facilitators to bring out what affects them directly during their teaching and learning.  Coaches may also select topics in collaboration with the Facilitators to discuss.

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