Sunday 10 November 2019

5 Things Every Coach Should Avoid During PLC Session

5 Things Every Coach Should Avoid During PLC.
Professional Learning Community Sessions are an integral part of the Standard Based Curriculum for Ghanaian Schools.
However, there are 5 Things, there could be more, practices that every Coach should avoid during PLC Sessions.

1. Know it all attitude.
Nobody is the sole reservoir of knowledge. We all have some idea about topic. Some may be right or wrong. But, we need to be given a chance. This will make every body to be ease and contribute to discussions on the floor.
Coaches should provide the opportunity for all participants to express their views and opinions on all issues. Wrong or Unknown answers should be handled professional to avoid ridiculing the contributor.

2. Ask Closed Ended Questions
Closed Ended Questions are questions which do not encourage others to contribute during PLC Sessions. These questions have obvious answers. However, Coaches should ask Open Ended Questions during PLC Sessions to make all participants active.

3. Choose topics that interest them.
Most Coaches would like to choose topics which interest them, so that they can deliver without any difficulty.  However, such topics may not interest the participants.  Coaches should allow all participants to identify difficult topics or concepts, so that such topics may be discussed during PLC Sessions.  This will encourage all participants to be active.

4. Always take lead during PLC Sessions
Coaches should not always lead discussions in a PLC Sessions.  They should allow other participants to take the lead and bring out their ideas. This will allow all others to contribute and participate in the session. Sometimes,  other participants may do the simulation and demonstration lessons.

5. Lead a PLC Session without preparation and planning
Most Coaches believe a PLC Session is another Staff Meeting. No. PLC Sessions are beyond Staff Meetings.  The Coach, Resource Person and others who may play some roles at PLC Session should prepare adequately before the start of the session. They should gather all information and resources before the session commences.

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