Friday, 25 October 2019

Interview Questions for Would be Headteacher

Interview Questions for would be Headteachers in the Ghana Education Service.

1. What are the main functions of a headteacher in a school?

2. How do you deal with a difficult learner or teacher?

3. How would you describe your headteacher?

4. Outline any four activities in the Itinerary of a headteacher for a term.

5. Identify four features of a good lesson plan.

6. Which of these is the most important, a. What to teach? or b. How to teach?

7. What makes you the best choice for the headship?

8. List the various ranks in the Ghana Education Service from the highest to the lowest.

9. Describe the processes in the preparation of a School Performance Improvement Plan  (SPIP)

10. The Capitation Grant cannot be used to carry out some activities in the school. List any four of such activities.

11. How would you solve conflicts among  your teachers as a headteacher?

12. How would you correct a teacher who has taught a concept you think is contains errors.

13. a. List all the executives of a Parent Association.
      b. What are the Guiding Policies on the  formation of Parent Association?
      c. What in your opinion necessitated the removing of teachers in the Parents Association?

14. The Ghana Education Service has banned all forms of money collection or fees in the basic schools. List any four of such fees.

15. Mention any four Conducts expected by a teacher as contained in the Teacher's Code of Professional Conducts.

16. Identify any four managerial tools used by the headteacher.

17. Explain the following:
A. The Head as a Manager.
B. The Head as Leader.
Which of these two do you prefer and why?

17. Why should you be appointed as a Headteacher?

18. Describe any four administrative functions of the Head of a School.

19. Describe how you will help a teacher who always defaults in the preparation and submission of Lesson Notes. 

20. a. What are the Global/Core Competencies?
      b. List any five examples of the Global/Core Competencies.

21. How would you explain the differences between Misappropriation and Misapplication of Funds?

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The Ghana Education Service has cautioned all Headteachers of Public Basic Schools in the country to desist from collecting BASIC EDUCATION ...