Monday, 26 October 2020

The Centre Cannot Hold

The Centre Cannot Hold....

The JHS Boy who manufactured his car
Education should not be seen as the opium of the masses. It should not create, build and nurture mediocrity, laziness, and uncreative individuals.

Our education system should not force all children to think a certain way. We are all not the same. Common Core Program should not be equated common thinking or Common idealogy.

What we have ended up creating is a bunch of unemployed and uninspired graduates who do not fit for the job market. 

Our education system has not been synchronized with industry. We are currently running a parallel education system. 

We must not move away from the core values of education, which is to make the individual fit to live and be lived with. 

We, must begin to engage captains of industry to help us in Designing our curriculum. These experts should include but not limited to artisans, engineers, architects, manufacturers, etc. 

We must begin to liase with industry so that whiles teachers teach the theoritical bits of the curriculum the industry would train the learners on the practical aspect of the curriculum.

Our assessment system should not be a one stop event. It should be a process. Continuous Assessment should be part and parcel of our education system. Examinations, instead of it been used for promotion and grading, should be used to promote and modernize learning. Assessment should be design purposely to improve learning. 

Repetitive and meaningless knowledge should be discareded from the curriculum. Knowledge should be meaningful both in the present and in the future. We should design learning in such a way that it would improve teaching and learning. 

Our teachers and educational authorities should avoid measuring knowledge but should rather exert all efforts at measuring knowledge application. 

The time is now more than ever to champion for a radical change in our educational system. We should not allow our intuition and upbringing to cloud and influence our curriculum design. 

Ours should be to move with time. We should aim at improving lives and reducing unemployment in our society. We should not dedicate most of our time towards learning language when our focus should have been on Technology, Agriculture and Health.

No nation develops by learning and improving the speaking of a foreign language. Learning a foreign language's main purpose should be for communication but not to measure intelligence. 

We should not boast about improving enrolment but should be about improving lives, increasing employment, improving the use of technology, etc. It is only when this is done that we can boast about improving education at any given time.

Ghana deserves best and not better. Better is too small for us. The time to do that is now.

By AminuWrites,

Contact: 0244299706


Blog: https://AminuWrites.Blogspot.Com

Facebook: AW.

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