Friday, 30 October 2020

Enough of the unionism

Enough Unionism

Every teacher in Ghana belongs to a teacher union. 

There are more unions in the education sector than any other sector of the Ghanaian economy.

But, is it worth joining these unions? Are they really fighting for the teacher's welfare?

Are the teachers committed to seeing that the unions succeed to champion their course?

Sometimes, I think teachers usually and on most occasions should blame their leaders not governments. Almost all the teacher unions have been in existence for sometime now. Some spaning over decades. But, what do we have to show?

Sometimes, it very pathetic when you see a colleague teacher on radio or television soliciting for funds to undergo some surgical operations. 

Common Hospital too we cannot build as teachers not to talk about the morgue. 

Teachers too deserve the best and not better. We cannot continue to blame governments for all our woes. 

Governments would begin to respect the teacher the day teacher unions begin to pay their members whose salaries have gone off for some months. Governments would begin to respect the teacher when the unions pay the salaries of striking teachers in situations when governments refuse to pay.

But, sometimes, we have to blame ourselves. Our leaders are too partisan that their true colours are not hidden when their party is either in government or in opposition. 

Some of our leaders use the position to champion the course of their political pay masters in order to be given juicy appointments when their party take up the mantle of leadership. We all know union leaders who have gotten juicy appointments in both NDC and NPP administrations. 

We cannot continue to create new teacher unions and expect different results. What we can do in the interim is to put pressure on leadership to fight for our course. 

We must begin to show interest in the activities of GNAT, NAGRAT, CCT, TEWU, UTAG, Innovative Teachers, etc. Politically induced leaders should be removed and replaced where necessary.

We must as a matter of urgency establish the Teacher's Bank, the Teacher's Hospital, the Teacher's Satellite TV, the Teacher's Morgue, etc.

Our accrued funds should be invested in high income but risk - free businesses to increase our revenue base.

All teacher unions must be seen to be speaking on one common voice. Our differences should be buried when we are at the negotiating table. 

We cannot continue to look on whiles some teachers graduate from our Universities only to sell dog chains, iced kenkey, bread and pure water, when we know there are lots of vacancies that can accommodate them.

We cannot sit unconcerned whiles teachers troop to the Controller and Accountant General's Department to resolve salary issues. Some teachers travel from Savelugu, Talensi, Bimbilla, Amedzope, Have, Buipe, etc to Accra just to have their salaries restored or corrected. 

Similarly, we cannot sit and watch schools without appropriate teaching and learning materials to teach our future generations. Teachers should not be party to the destruction of our future generations. We must make our voices heard loud and clear. Our silence is far too long.

We as teachers and our unions must have and push for a permanent interest - to see to the welfare of the Ghanaian teacher. The time for divisiveness, selfishness, and hypocrisy is over. 

The teacher should enjoy whiles on Earth, for whether he or she goes to heaven or hell, lies in the bossom of the Almighty. 

The teacher also deserve their reward on Earth!

Aluta Continual!

By AminuWrites,


Contact: 0244299706


Blog: https://AminuWrites.Blogspot.Com

Facebook: AW.


1 comment:


The Ghana Education Service has cautioned all Headteachers of Public Basic Schools in the country to desist from collecting BASIC EDUCATION ...