Friday, 20 March 2020

5 Things Every Parent Should Be Telling Their Children Now About Coronavirus.

5 Things Every Parent Should Be Telling Their Children Now.....

We are not in normal times. Everything is changing at a faster rate due to this novel Coronavirus which has changed the way we do things.
Schools have been closed down. We cannot go to Church or the Mosques.
Markets are been shut down. We cannot shake hands, hug, touch or miss our friend and love ones.
Hand Sanitizers have been placed everywhere.
Don't you think our children are confused, stressed and frightened? What have you been telling them during this period? How do you ensure that our children are not traumatised due to this deadly virus.
In this piece, the writer outlines 5 Simple Things you should be telling your children.

1. Stay away from the Media.
The media, at least most of them, both the private and the Public, print and electronic are churning out damaging, frightening, and misleading information about this virus. We should at least guide them on the choice of media outlets they should be watching in this time. Your children should not be reading things like this .........

2. Show love to sick people.
Not every cough, sneezing or fever is Coronovirus. Nobody can look at your face and determine whether you have Coronavirus or not. Coronavirus does not kill, it is Fear and Misconception which is killing. One cannot be safe from the virus if one practice simple personal hygiene practices.

3. Turn to the Creator in times like this.
There is nothing under the sun that the Almighty God or Allah cannot cure.  Lean on him and everything shall be well. We have a Creator who can do exceedingly above all things. Just rely him. This is not the time to move away from the creator.

4. Eat Fruits, Vegetables  and Drink a lot of Water.
Every creature has a system in the body which can cure any disease. Diseases do not Cure illness, it is the Immune System which fights diseases. You become sick when your Immune System is weak and cannot fight back diseases that attacks the body.
Eating fruits, vegetables, exercises and drinking a lot of Water helps to strengthen the Immune System.
In times like this, we need to increase our intake of Fruits, Vegetables, do more exercises, and Drink more water.

5. Always use Hand sanitizers, wash hand under running water, and use tissue paper when coughing or sneezing.
We should always use Hand Sanitizers, Tissue Paper, Soap and Water and ensure acceptable social distance, etc.


By Mohammed Aminu Mohammed 
(Coach, Facilitator, Speaker,
Facebook: AminuWritesAW

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