Tuesday, 25 February 2020

The person you are meeting for the first time is the customer you never met.
How do you approach your customers? Do you truly believe in customer satisfaction.
Then read the article below. This simple step by step guide to customer relation would help you relate well with your customers. Following through the step by step guide would boost your sales in no time.

The Art of Customer Relations.
Customer Relations is a very broad and diffult subject. Most business have had situations where they pray they never met a particular customer. Some business owners even concentrate on new customers instead of keeping the old ones.

As business owners, you must always prepare for situations where you genuinely believe the customer is wrong and yet he is insisting the fault is from you. Approach
such situation with tact and respect. Don't argue with the customer. humbly, show him why you think he is wrong.
Accept responsibility of not showing him the correct way of using the product or service. Replace the product or service where necessary. Apologize to the customer and assure him of your unflinching support. Thank him for using your product or service.

Do you have records of your customers? Do you know where they live? The work they do? Their hobbies? Their fears and worries? Their families? If you think they are not necessary, then you should know that your competitors have kept these records.They have them and work with these records.Knowing your customers help in decision making. Assist your customers solve problems even if you don't have the expertise. Contact others who can solve problems you can't solve to keep your customers happy.

Appreciate your customers by giving them gifts or commissions. Give free gifts to your customers. Give them gifts either quarterly or yearly. Give them free reports on the products or services rendered, include in such reports testimonials of people who have used your products and services.

Anytime you come closer to the customer, Listen to him / her attentively. As much as possible, ask him / her open ended questions. During such conversations, encourage the customer to talk. Listen to the customer carefully. Give the customer undivided attention. Appoint highly effective people to receive the customer.

Turn the customer waiting period into learning experienc. Give the customer a brochure, reports or testimonials about the products or service. You can show him a documentaryon your products or services rendered. You can also create caller ring tones explaining the benefits of your products or services to the customer when he / she calls the office line. Have dedicated and well - trained telephone handlers who will receive all calls. You can also educate customers on the use of your products or services.

 Teach your customers about your products and service. Find time to educate your customers on the usage of the products or service. Teach them the benefits they might gain from the product or service. One thing in the mind of the customer is What is in For me (WIFM). Don't waste time explaining the product or service. The customer is not interested. Tell the customer how the product or service might help him /her.

Take time to educate the customer on any issue that may help him / her. You can organise workshop or seminar for your customers on how to minimize errors in business, how to sell, investment techniques, HIV/AIDs, etc. Invite experts on these topics if you don't have the expertise. You can educate your customers on individual basis. Establish a well resourced office in your company that may provide such auxiliary services to your clients or customers.

The support centre should receive calls from prospective clients and customers. Have a dedicated team to man this support centre. Customers and prospective clients should be well educated on the products or services. Create several avenues where customers or prospective clients can contact the support Centre 24/7.

Take pictures and videos of your customers using your products or service. Create a photo album of your customers. Seek permission from customers to put their photos on the company's media platforms. Encourage the customer to take his / her picture or video using the products or service.

Always receive your customers cheerfully. The person you are meeting for the first time is a potential
lifetime customer. Anytime you meet your customers receive them with a smile. Train all your workers to learn to speak politely to customers and potential clients.

Mohammed A. M.
Personal Development Coach,
Aminu Writes Unlimited Inc.
email: aminuwrites@gmail.com
Instagram: aminuwrites
blog: aminuwrites.blogspot.com
call/whatsapp: +233244299706

Monday, 24 February 2020

How your phone is draining your pockets?

According to all the telehost more than 10 million Ghanaians own mobile handset. One cannot finish enumerating the enormous roles of the mobile handset in our lives. But as the saying goes someones meat is another's poison. The wise are using the mobile handset to increase and make money.
About 80% of mobile handset users are only draining their pockets and ruining their future. You can make money with your handset. This piece is not to condemn the use of mobile handset. this is only to show you how the telehost are draining your pockets.

#free calls
Free Calls though good, causes great health hazards on the user. This Free Calls policy make callers speak on the phone over a long time. This causes ear problem in both the immediate and the near future.
Free Calls is one of the greatest time wasters. The time spent can be used judiciously to create wealth. Have you ever quantify the amount of time you spend in making free calls. Can't you use the same time in a viable venture?

#Free After One
Almost all the telecom companies are adopting this strategy. This policy allows the caller pay ¢0.20p for the first minute per call. One thing about this policy, is that, unknowingly, to the caller, it encourages the caller to make more calls.
Let us assume Mr. X is a subscriber to this policy and on average he makes five calls a day. This simply means Mr. X will have to purchase ¢30.00 worth of credits a month. This means he will be spending ¢360.00 annually for making calls. If Mr. X continues this way for the next five years it means he would have to pay ¢1,800.00 just on making calls. Can you imagine what this same amount could do if he had been invested in a profitable venture? You can clearly see that you are the
architect of your poverty. Reduce your calls today and increase your wealth in future. Before you make any call, weigh its importance or relevance. Group your calls into asset and liability. Use your calls to create wealth. Your debt stock can reduce drastically if you reduce your calls by just 1%. Practice reducing your calls and check your asset portfolio.

#Data bundle
Data bundle is the easiest way to give away money freely.
Your aim of bundling your data is to save cost, at least thats what the telehost advises. The truth of the matter is that when you bundle, it doesn't give you the license to use your data any how. A bundled data could finish before the due date.
Bundled Data is money. Anytime you switch on your data, remember you have open the flood gate increase your misery in future. Purchase data only when you want to develop yourself or increase your wealth. If you disagree with me, then let us do the following calculations. Mr. X bought ¢5.00 data which was used up just for a week. He used the data on social media, downloading music files, video files and other images which has nothing to do with his career or personal
developments. If he continues this practice in the next five years it means, he would have spent ¢1,200. (Breaking it down: ¢5.00 * 4 = ¢20.00 - Per month. ¢20.00 * 12 = ¢240.00 - Per Year. For the next five years - ¢240.00 * 5 = ¢1,200.00)

#Borrowed Airtime
There are situations where one is allowed to credit airtime and pay later.
The problem with this strategy is that you pay with interest wherever you want to pay for your debt. Remember this: you cannot cheat the telecom companies. Purchase the airtime instead. This will save you money.

#Caller Ring Tone
All the telecom companies have activated this option for interested subscribers. Though a very good avenue for advertisement, most of us, use it for entertainment.
Some of the telecom companies will charge even if the phone had been off for a month. On average ¢0.50 is charged on subscribers. This will amount to ¢0.50 * 12 = ¢6.00 per year. If the subscriber continues this for the next five years it will amount to ¢30.00.

Mohammed A. M.
Personal Development Coach,
Aminu Writes Unlimited Inc.
email: aminuwrites@gmail.com
blog: aminuwrites.blogspot.com
call/whatsapp: +233244299706

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Nkrumah Founded Ghana

Nkrumah Founded Ghana!
I never met Nkrumah. I don’t know his ancestors. I wasn’t born during his time. 

I don’t know whether he found Ghana or Ghana found him. 

But, I attended a Junior Secondary School and not a Junior High School. 

I learnt Social Studies. I was taught by the overall boss, and the best Social Studies in the world, Professor Daniel Akwasi Osei Bonsu. I remember how he describes Ghana’s history vividly and accurately. He taught us the Old Ghana’s History, the Mali Empire, the Songhai Empire, Askia Mohammed, Azikiwe, Kenyatta, Malcolm X, Luther King Jnr, Nkrumah, etc.

I read all the struggles Nkrumah went through. His arrest, imprisonment, bombing and overthrow. His books and everything relating to Nkrumah were banned and burnt. I learnt how the leadership of various groupings in Ghana joined forces with the CIA to overthrow Nkrumah.

I also read how some leaders of the United Gold Coast Convention blamed Nkrumah for being the brain behind the 1948 Riots against the then British Colonial Administration in Ghana. I also learnt how Nkrumah won election in prison. I was also taught how the Flag of the British Colonial 

Administration was lowered whilst the Ghana’s Flag was raised high.
Growing up as child, I have learnt about several leaders like Nelson Mandela and Chairman Jerry Rawlings.

I saw how Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years and yet he is regarded as the founder of the Republic of South Africa. During his period of imprisonment, there were people who were struggling to make South Africa free. However, they decided to choose him as the founder because of his instrumentalism.

I also learnt how Chairman Rawlings was imprisoned whilst others fought for his release. Yet these same people regard Rawlings as the Founder of the National Democratic Congress.

Others might have helped Nkrumah, no doubt. But, it was his instrumentalism that gained Independence for Ghana. 

Conclusively, permit me to quote my one and only teacher Mr. Daniel Akwasi Osei Bonsu, that “Whether you like it or yes”. Nkrumah is the founder of Ghana. Period!

Coach, AminuWrites Unlimited
Instagram: AminuWrites
Facebook: AminuWritesAW
Whatsapp/Call: 233 - 244- 299 - 706

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Independence Speech - Dr. Kwame Nkrumah March 6, 1957

Kwame Nkrumah
Dr. Kwame Nkrumah

On 6th March, 1957, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah made a remarkable speech.

Below is the full text.

Read full speech below:


At long last, the battle has ended!  And thus, Ghana, your beloved country is free forever!

And yet again, I want to take the opportunity to thank the people of this country; the youth, the farmers, the women who have so nobly fought and won the battle.

Also, I want to thank the valiant ex-service men who have so cooperated with me in this mighty task of freeing our country from foreign rule and imperialism.

And, as I pointed out… from now on, today, we must change our attitudes and our minds.  We must realise that from now on we are no longer a colonial but free and independent people.

But also, as I pointed out, that also entails hard work.  That new Africa is ready to fight his own battles and show that after all the black man is capable of managing his own affairs.

We are going to demonstrate to the world, to the other nations, that we are prepared to lay our foundation – our own African personality.

As I said to the Assembly a few minutes ago, I made a point that we are going to create our own Africa personality and identity.  It is the only way we can show the world that we are ready for our own battles.

But today, may I call upon you all, that on this great day that let us all remember that nothing can be done unless it has the support of God.


Let us now, fellow Ghanaians, let us now ask for God’s blessing for only two seconds, and in your thousands and millions.

I want to ask you to pause for only one minute and give thanks to Almighty God for having led us through our difficulties, imprisonments, hardships and sufferings, to have brought us to our end of troubles today. One minute silence.

Ghana is free forever!  And here I will ask the band to play the Ghana National Anthem.

Reshaping Ghana’s destiny, I am depending on the millions of the country, and the chiefs and the people, to help me to reshape the destiny of this country.  We are prepared to pick it up and make it a nation that will be respected by every nation in the world.

We know we're going to have difficult beginnings, but again, I am relying on your support….  I am relying upon your hard work.

Seeing you in this…  It doesn’t matter how far my eyes go, I can see that you are here in your millions.  And my last warning to you is that you are to stand firm behind us so that we can prove to the world that when the African is given a chance, he can show the world that he is somebody!

We have awakened.  We will not sleep anymore.

Today, from now on, there is a new African in the world!

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

The Urge to teach English Words in Isolation.

English teachers or language teachers should avoid teaching words in Isolation.
The "How" and "Where" the word is used is mostly important than the "What" the word is.
For instance, "Whatsapp" is both a Noun and Verb depending on usage.

When we teach children that a "table" is a thing with legs which we can write on and eat off and that a "Book" is a collection of sheets or words printed on paper and nicely packed and covered , then we are not only teaching them wrongly but we are sowing a seed of future confusion in them.
What will happen when these children read the following sentences:
1. You can eat off a 'table', or you can 'table' a  motion at a conference. But, you can summarise information in a 'table' too.
2. Again, when have read your *book* you can ring up a restaurant and *book* a table, but if you drive too fast on the way you might be 'booked' for speeding. Some people have been keeping a *book* on whether you will ever manage to persuade your girlfriend to marry you when you have been cooking the *books* for years.

So next time, when you enter class, don't teach Words in Isolation. Do not even waste precious time teaching grammar rules to children. They will be confused and confuse you too.
Teach them words in context and it will save you some time and reduce stress.



Don't Describe Party Hooligans in the Zongos as Muslims when Reporting - Khalifatul Akbar

The head of the Tijaniyya Council in Ghana, yesterday advised politicians and journalists to desist from describing violence with religious colours.
He lamented at the rate at which crimes and political hooliganism have taken some religious stereotyping.
Most reportage is skewed towards tarnishing the image of Islam.
He said, "crime and political hooliganism have no religious colour". According to him such reportage over the years have cast slur on the Islamic Religion and Muslim in general.
"If non - Muslims are described as 'aggrieved party supporters', but, why do you describe same people as Muslims Hooligans or trouble makers, when the people involved are having Islamic Identities". We should always distinguish between Islam and Politics or hooliganism. He further advised the Muslims to be the ambassadors of their religion which is peace.
His eminence said this at the Annual Maulid of Sheikh Alhaj Abdullahi Maikano Jallo at Shukura in the Greater Accra Region.
The Annual Maulid is organised to commemorate the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, and celebrate the legacy of Sheikh Alhaj Abdullahi Maikano Jallo, the Spiritual leader of the Tijaniyya Council in Ghana.


The Ghana Education Service has cautioned all Headteachers of Public Basic Schools in the country to desist from collecting BASIC EDUCATION ...