Tuesday 11 February 2020

The Urge to teach English Words in Isolation.

English teachers or language teachers should avoid teaching words in Isolation.
The "How" and "Where" the word is used is mostly important than the "What" the word is.
For instance, "Whatsapp" is both a Noun and Verb depending on usage.

When we teach children that a "table" is a thing with legs which we can write on and eat off and that a "Book" is a collection of sheets or words printed on paper and nicely packed and covered , then we are not only teaching them wrongly but we are sowing a seed of future confusion in them.
What will happen when these children read the following sentences:
1. You can eat off a 'table', or you can 'table' a  motion at a conference. But, you can summarise information in a 'table' too.
2. Again, when have read your *book* you can ring up a restaurant and *book* a table, but if you drive too fast on the way you might be 'booked' for speeding. Some people have been keeping a *book* on whether you will ever manage to persuade your girlfriend to marry you when you have been cooking the *books* for years.

So next time, when you enter class, don't teach Words in Isolation. Do not even waste precious time teaching grammar rules to children. They will be confused and confuse you too.
Teach them words in context and it will save you some time and reduce stress.



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