Monday, 19 December 2022

Top 10 Lessons from the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle - AminuwritesTv

Top10  Lessons  learned From The Book "The Power Of Now"

1. Be intensely present in the moment to flow with life in a state of joy.

2. You achieve goals effortlessly when you're aligned with your inner purpose. 

We change the outer world when we fulfill our inner purpose.

3. You are not your mind

Pain and struggle come from unknowingly identifying with your mind and a false sense of self. 

You are a being of love, joy, happiness, and peace. You are pure consciousness.

4. Rise above your ego 

The ego is your derived sense of self from your social status, family heritage, religion, and possessions. 

You are so much more than your ego.

To transcend your ego, stop identifying with your mind. Learn to quiet it to reach enlightenment.

5. Time is an illusion

Time is great for scheduling appointments and knowing when to wake up. But time is simply an illusion.

The time at this moment is "now." It is the only moment we ever truly have.

6. How to free yourself from your mind

Break free from the prison of your mind with 3 simple steps

• Notice the voice inside your dead

• Watch your emotions

• Dissolve the pain, stories, and baggage from the ego-mind

7. To focus on the now 

Move your attention away from the past and future when it's not needed. 

Accept your present situation and act with full focused awareness.

8. Self healing

Your outer body will age with time but your inner body doesn't change. 

When you connect with your inner body, you improve your natural healing capacity. Healing any internal wounds you have.

9. Enlightenment

Living in the now will connect you to god and the universe.

Connect with love to feel it all around you, this is enlightenment.

10. Connect with the universe

As you connect with your inner body and being, you will realize you are one with the entire universe.

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