Friday 9 September 2022

Rethink Education Series - AminuwritesTv

School Resumes Soon....

Very soon we are going back to school.

We are going to meet the very people we left. 

Some of them improved whiles majority of them hmmm, very sad have deteriorated.


Yes. But, last term as usual was full of *chew, poor, pass & forget*.

Our Lessons have been the same all these years. 

Our Assessments have also been the same and would remain the same for a long time.

Most of us including our employers are all interested in Assessments of Learning as the only way to assess, promote, classify, group and grade learners.

We don't have time for Creativity, Innovation, Collaboration, Digital Literacy, Critical Thinking & Application of Knowledge.

As we plan for the coming term there are things we have to change. 

We will have to change the way we teach. We will have to change the way we assess. And above all we will have to change the way we handle these wonderful kids in our classrooms.

Finally, we will have to change the way we see Education as a whole. 

Our children's ability to speak impeccable English, Work Complex Mathematical Calculations, Increased Enrolment etc are not synonymous with Quality Education.

It it time to Rethink Education.

By Aminuwrites.E


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© 2022. AminuwritesTv

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