Sunday, 13 March 2022

We Killed Linda! - Aminuwrites Tv

(A Tribute From "The I Teach U Teach Group")

Linda shouldn't have died. We killed Linda. We saw the signs and yet we ignored it.

Linda was in pain and yet we never helped her.

She told us. She showed us. She ran but couldn't ran faster. 

There are several Linda's in our schools, Churches, Mosques, etc. 

Abusive spouses are the most handsome guys or ladies around. Though they are abusing, they pretend they are been abused. 

You don't have to give a second thought to any hint of abuse. Abuse is Abuse whether big or small. 

There is no mild Abuse or Harsh Abuse. 

What we do as teachers, educators, friends, headteachers, SISO, is to fight Abusive Spouses. 

People suffering from abusive relationship show certain signs that should tell us to act fast. 

Teachers in abusive relationships would show one of the following signs. (These are just few...)

1. Absenteeism

2. Lateness

3. Depressed

4. Tired

5. Quick to anger 

6. Very Abusive 

7. Sudden lost of weight 

8. Obesse

9. Inability to comprehend simple things. 

10. Very sad and not always happy.

11. Drunkenness

12. Behaves unprofessional (not preparing lesson notes, no giving enough output, etc )

13. Bruises

Society should not give space to abusive spouses to exist or orchestrate their nefarious activities. Most of our colleagues in the classroom are going through some form of abusive relationships.

Linda wouldn't have died if the society had acted in information available to them. Linda wouldn't have died if her abuser was contacted, advised or given medical support.

We as teachers, administrators, supervisors, colleagues, etc should try as much as possible to detect victims of abusive relationships and offer them support.

We shouldn't wait for the undesirable to happen before we begin blaming, yelling and condemning victims or the abuser. 

The truth is that most of people in our schools (Learners, teachers, headteachers, etc) are all going through some form of abuse.

It is time, we have to create a society in which our people would feel free to report any abusive spouse to the appropriate persons for advise. 

School Managers, SISOs, Headteachers, etc should go beyond knowing the marital status of their staff by name or by the subject/class they teach. They should know what their Staff are going through at home. Also, heads of Schools should know the partners of their staff. 

Finally, heads of schools, SISOs, etc should be trained to determine some signs of abuse in relationships or marriages.


Muhammed Amin Muhammed

(Coach, Trainer and Educator)

Contact him via:


Whatsapp: 233244299706

Contact: 0244299706


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