Sunday, 28 November 2021

Divisions in the Ghana Education Service - AminuwritesTv



Guidance And Counselling (G&C) Unit

July 31, 2019


Guidance and Counselling is a support service that is aimed at helping individuals discover and develop their educational, vocational and psychological potentials and thereby achieve an optimal level of personal happiness and social usefulness.

To achieve the above goal, the Unit performs the under listed functions within the Ghana Education Service:

Planning, Coordinating and Supervising guidance services within the country.

Training of school-based as well as Regional and District Guidance and Counselling Coordinators for effective guidance service delivery.

Collaborating with relevant partners including parents to meet the psychosocial needs of pupils/students.

Collaborating with Tertiary institutions with focus on psychology and education to prepare or develop tests and tools of assessment.

Providing free consultancy to teachers, parents and general public on relevant psychological issues.

Leading GES’ mandate to promoting safe, secure and supportive environment for learning under the “Safe School” Programme.

Ghana Education Service (GES) Policies Related to the Guidance and Counselling Unit (G&C)

The following are some GES policies related to the G&C Unit:

Establishment of Guidance programme in second cycle institutions (see attachment section)

Inclusion of guidance in 1981/82 Estimates (see attachments section)

Introduction of Guidance into First Cycle Institutions of the GES (see attachments section)

2008 White paper on education reforms.

The Structure of the Guidance and Counselling Unit:

The Unit is headed by a Director II in the GES structure who reports to the Director-General through the Deputy Director-General, 10 Regional Coordinators, 216 District/Municipal/Metropolitan Coordinators as well as Coordinators for all Senior High and Basic Schools across the country.

Mission Statement of G and C Unit

The Mission of the Unit is to provide a comprehensive, preventive and developmental G&C programme which is vital in the achievement of excellence for all learners. Through guidance and counselling, all learners shall be provided the opportunity to develop their academic, social, personal and career competencies needed to prepare them for pre-tertiary and higher education, work and preparation as productive citizens and life-long learners.

Additional Mandate of the G&C Unit

Violence in schools such as corporal punishment, sexual harassment, verbal abuse and bullying has been implicated as major cause for some of the challenges related to enrolment, retention and

completion especially among girls and children with special needs. The cumulative effect is that interest in schooling and learning are negatively affected leading to negative consequence on intellectual abilities, self-discovery etc. In essence, the absence of a safe school environment is a disincentive on one hand for some parents to send their children to school and on the other hand for the children to attend school regularly and complete.

The Unit has therefore been charged with the responsibility of promoting a safe and non-threatening learning environment for all children in schools.


National consultative meeting for the validation of Safe School Resource Pack

Technical Working Group meeting on the development of an Implementation Plan for Safe School Resource Pack

Consultation and Validation meeting on the developed Implementation Plan

Monitoring the delivery of G&C services in selected districts of the Central Region


The Unit was supported by UNICEF to develop Guidance and Counselling Policy Implementation Guidelines to provide structure and directions for the delivery of G&C services.

Again, a handbook on Guidance and Counselling for Basic School Teachers has been developed with the objective of helping all basic school teachers acquire skill of integrating guidance philosophy and practices through curriculum offerings thereby adopting a proactive and preventive approach.

Development of Positive Discipline Toolkit- Supported by UNICEF Ghana to provide Teachers with non-violent alternatives to correcting learners in schools.

Development of a 5-year Strategy for the implementation of pre-tertiary G&C- Supported by Camfed Ghana. It will serve as a framework to guide the delivery of guidance and counselling in Ghanaian schools from 2018-2022.

Development of Safe School Resource Package (Teachers’ Handbook, Training Manual and Peer-to-peer manual for children) – Supported By UNICEF Ghana. It seeks to prevent violence (e.g. corporal punishment, sexual abuse and bullying) in all schools.

Developing Teacher Mentor Manual. The Teacher Mentor Training will serve as the main curriculum that guides the delivery of a holistic training for Guidance and Counselling Coordinators/Teacher Mentors on guidance and counselling services in pre-tertiary schools in Ghana.

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The Unit currently is working with COTVET to develop a Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) and Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) Career Guidance and Counselling Manual to provide valid, relevant and up-to-date information to students at the Basic level.




School Health Education Programme (SHEP) Unit

July 31, 2019

SHEP Programme Goal

The goal of the SHEP is to ensure the provision of comprehensive health and nutrition education and related support services in schools to equip children with basic life skills for healthy living, which will lead to improvements in child survival and educational outcomes, including school enrolment, retention and academic performance.

Mission of the SHEP Unit

The mission of the SHEP Unit is to facilitate the effective mobilization and deployment of available human, material and financial resources to equip school children with basic life skills for healthy living through skills-based health education, promoting good health and preventing diseases among the school population.

SHEP Programme Objectives

Conduct training to build capacity of teachers, school children and community members for effective implementation of school health programmes.

Develop appropriate Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials

Inculcate into school children health-promoting habits and values of good hygiene and sanitation practices including hand washing with soap

Ring health education and related health services to the doorsteps of school children for early detection of defects and disability for prompt referral and management.

Assist in the prevention and management of communicable and non-communicable diseases

Promote the provision of adequate, safe and sustainable water and sanitation facilities in schools, which will reinforce the practice of learnt skills for hygiene.

Promote good environmental sanitation and hygiene practices in schools, which are gender, child and disability friendly

Promote healthy lifestyles including healthy diet, avoiding alcohol and tobacco consumption, illicit drugs, physical inactivity and pre-marital sex

Promote safety and prevent injury within the school environment and the general community

Provide nutrition and food safety education and ensure that food vendors and cooks are medically screed and certified to prepare, handle and sell food under hygienic conditions

Promote the provision of safe school infrastructure that is age-appropriate, well ventilated, well illuminated, disability and gender-friendly

Promote educational programmes that will assist in the prevention and management of HIV and AIDS, malaria prevention and other locally endemic diseases

Motivate school children to become change agents to their peers and in their homes and communities.

Promote effective school-community and parent-teacher partnerships to address issues that will enhance the health and development of children

Use the school as a medium to disseminate health messages to communities

Promote research and studies on school health issues in support of programme implementation.

Institutional Structures for SHEP

National Level

A national SHEP secretariat established for SHEP Unit

Headed by a National SHEP Coordinator

With support of Programme Officers

The National SHEP Coordinator reports to the Director, Finance and Administration through a Deputy Director General to the Director General.

Regional Level

There are SHEP Desks in all the regions headed by Regional SHEP Coordinators

The Regional SHEP Coordinators report directly to their respective Regional Directors of Education

In terms of departmental placement, however, SHEP is placed differently under either the Inspectorate or Human Resource Unit

District Level

District level SHEP desks occupied by District SHEP Coordinators

Report directly to the District Directors of Education

Placed under either the Monitoring and Supervision or Human Resource Unit

School Level

Every school has a teacher designated as School-based Health Coordinator (SBHC)

SBHC leads the planning and implementation of SHEP activities

He/She reports to the head teacher, who in turn reports to the Circuit Supervisor, and involves other members of staff in his/her work

Intervention / Programme Areas

Skills-based Health Education

Food Safety Nutrition and Education

Safe and Healthy School Environment

Disease Prevention and Control



Special Education Division (SPED)

July 31, 2019


To increase access to quality education and training of learners and young people with disabilities and special educational needs in an Inclusive School Environment leading to employable skills for economic and independent living.


To work towards the creation for equal educational opportunities for learners and young people with disabilities and special educational needs through the promotion of suitable and sustainable support structures in an inclusive school environment.


The Special Education Division works towards the creation of equal opportunities for learners and young people with disabilities and Special Educational Needs at the pre- tertiary level through the efficient management of resources, provision of suitable and sustainable support structures in an inclusive school environment.


Monitoring of all Special Schools and Inclusive Education focus districts to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in learning outcomes.

Extension of Inclusive Education theory and practices in 10 districts out of the remaining 196 Districts.

Provision of transitional vocational facilities and capacity building for teachers in the Special Schools

Capacity building teachers on the SAFE SCHOOL concept for the Special Schools.

Capacity building of teachers using the IE Manual.

Capacity building of Sign Language for teachers in the schools for the deaf.


To facilitate effective administration of Special Schools.

Provision of educational facilities and services for children and young people with Disabilities and Special Educational Needs (SEN).

To transcribe textbooks and other reading materials into Braille.

Screening and Assessment of children for early identification, correct placement in schools and other interventional measures.

Capacity building of Special Teachers across the sector at the pre-tertiary level.

Provision of appropriate Teaching and Learning Materials and Assistive Devices for learners at the pre-tertiary level.

Ensure and facilitate the timely release of feeding grants to special schools.

Supervision and monitoring of special schools and units.



Secondary Education Division

July 15, 2019


Secondary Education Division (SED) is a division under the Ghana Education Service (GES). The division is to assist the GES implement and monitor MOE policies, guidelines on equitable access to education, improvement of quality education, effective education management, promotion and the demystification of Science, Mathematics, Technology & Engineering at the Second Cycle level.

Vision Statement

To create an enabling environment in all Second Cycle Institutions and Management positions that will sustain effective teaching and learning in Second Cycle Schools and promote management efficiency within the Secondary Education Division.

Mission Statement

To provide for, support, guide, coordinate, regulate and promote quality Education to all children at the Second Cycle level in Ghana for national integration, individual and national development.

Our Mandate

Provide equitable access for Second Cycle Education

Improve quality of Second Cycle Education

Ensure efficiency and improved management in Second Cycle Institutions

Enhancing the Public Private School Partnership

Addressing all cross cutting issues

Duties of the Divisional Director of the Secondary Education Division

To maintain an efficient management of Second Cycle schools in Ghana

Provide equitable access to Secondary Education in the country

Improve quality of Secondary Education

Coordinate and maintain efficiency and improved management in Second cycle schools

Promote public private partnership and community participation

Member of Education Management Committee (strategic Plan), carrying out directives from the Director-General and the Deputy Director-General

Promotion and the demystification of Science, Mathematics, Technology & Engineering at the Second Cycle level

Duties of the Head of the Science Education and ICT Unit

As Head of the Unit. Coordinate, monitor and evaluate all science technology and mathematics education activities at the pre-tertiary level on regular basis and make recommendation that would enhance their effectiveness for the achievement of our national goals (demystifying the study of science).

Develop, implement and popularize science and technology through activities such as Science Technology Mathematics Innovation & Engineering (STMIE) clinics, competitions, other science, technology, mathematics camp for students, workshops/seminars, science fairs, newspaper production, posters, information pamphlets, science clubs in schools, etc with interventions for the girl-child and special needs students.

Duties of the CSSPS Coordinator

Coordinate and set criteria for placement of BECE candidates. Intensive public education and organize workshops for the sensitization of Stakeholders on registration and school selection by students and expectation of WAEC and GES. Manage the student information system; complaints and feedback mechanisms. Educate public on the CSSPS. Request for signed lists of students. Perform test run of online school selection.

Duties of the Head of Monitoring, Evaluation and Research

Coordinate and set criteria for placement of BECE candidates. Intensive public education and organize workshops for the sensitization of Stakeholders on registration and school selection by students and expectation of WAEC and GES. Manage the student information system; complaints and feedback mechanisms. Educate public on the CSSPS. Request for signed lists of students. Perform test run of online school selection.

Secondary Education Improvement Project (SEIP)

The project development objective is to increase access to Senior Secondary Education in underserved districts and improve quality in low-performing senior high schools. The project supports the Government’s Day Senior High Schools program through two components:

Support to increase Access with Equity and Quality in Senior High School

Management, Research and Monitoring and Evaluation.

Duties of the School Programs Officer

Response to complaints from stakeholders on school fees charged and ensure compliance of Government directives, organizing school databases and essay competitions, focal person for MOE/GES AYA in-school project, organizing national and international celebrations, representing the Dvsion on national committees on child protection, organizing talks to student clubs on career guidance, listening and study skills as well as time management, investigate issues and make recommendations to Director, Secondary Education Division.

Basic Education Division


As one of the Divisions at the GES Headquarters, the Basic Education Division has the main section and three other units: Early Childhood Education Unit (ECE), Private Schools Unit and the Girls’ Education Unit (GEU).

Vision Statement

The Division envisages a country where all children of school-going age have access to quality basic education and complete irrespective of: gender, geographical location, socio-economic status of parents, physical and psychological conditions.

Mission Statement

The Division is to ensure effective and efficient delivery of basic education in the country.

Role of the Division

Generally, the Division performs the following roles:

Ensure the supply and distribution of essential teaching and learning materials to schools.

Keep accurate data of basic schools, both public and private, in the country.

Submit regular reports on basic education delivery to the Director General.

Enhance the capacity of districts to support head teachers, SMC/PTA and DEOCs to promote effective and efficient delivery of basic education.

Oversee the implementation of policy guidelines for all basic schools in collaboration with relevant authorities.

Supervise the activities of civil society and non-governmental organizations in basic schools.

Propose basic school academic calendar for approval by the Director General.

Liaise with West African Examination Council (WAEC) in the administration, conduct, and monitoring of the Basic Education Certification Examination (BECE).

Collate and analyse, BECE results nationwide and submit report to the Director General.

Process and make recommendations for approval for the opening and absorption of newly established Junior High Schools.

Facilitate the conduct of national and international competitions for pupils in basic schools.

Collaborate with the Physical Education (PE) Unit to organize national celebrations for basic schools e.g. Independence Anniversary and President’s Independence Day Awards.

Make recommendations to the Director General on the formulation and development of basic education policies and guidelines.

Undertake periodic monitoring and evaluation of interventions to improve basic education delivery in the country.

Specific roles of the units under the division

Early Childhood Education (ECE) Unit

The Unit is headed by a Director II. It oversees kindergarten education in the country and supports the Department of Children to oversee pre-school education (0 – 3 year olds). It:

Provides periodic support for ECE providers to promote efficient and effective delivery of Early Childhood Education.

Develops and reviews national policy on Early Childhood Education.

Recommends for approval the establishment of kindergartens.

Undertakes periodic inspection of kindergartens.

Enhances the capacity of Early Childhood Coordinators in the regions and districts to improve supervision.

Liaises with Development Partners, NGOs and other ECE providers to improve Early Childhood Education in the country.

Develops strategies and programmes to enhance Early Childhood Education delivery in the country.

Private Schools Unit

The Unit is headed by a Deputy Director. It:

Collaborates with the Secondary and Technical/Vocational divisions to oversee private education delivery at the pre-tertiary level.

Coordinates activities of private schools (Basic, Senior Secondary and Technical/Vocational Institutes, including, Computer Training Schools and Professional Institutes) across the country

Considers requests for approval to run private school/institution and submit recommendations to the Director General.

Prepares and updates annually, a national register of private schools in their various categories.

Supervises and supports private schools to improve on their delivery.

Liaises with Supplies & Logistics Division for supply of syllabuses and textbooks to private schools.

Keeps data on all private schools in the country.

Enhances the capacity of private schools coordination to improve supervision

Undertakes periodic inspection of private schools in collaboration with district and regional private school coordinators.

Advises and explains government’s policies on private education to proprietors/proprietresses of private schools

Submits regular reports through the Divisional Director to the Director General

Girls Education Unit (GEU)

The Unit is headed by a Director II. It:

Collaborates with the Secondary and Technical/Vocational Education Divisions to oversee the education of the girl child at all levels of pre-tertiary education – Basic, Secondary including Technical/Vocational Institutions.

Develops strategies to enhance enrolment, participation, retention, transition and learning outcomes of girls in basic and secondary schools.

Collaborates with partners to research and disseminate findings and recommendations to appropriate agencies on girls’ education

Collaborates with Development Partners and NGOs to promote girls education in the country

Keeps data on girls education in the country

Oversees the development and empowerment of girls through the introduction of interventions in schools

Develops strategies to monitor and protect girls in schools.

Enhances the capacity of Girls’ Education Officers in the regions and districts to promote girls education

Submits regular reports on girls’ education through the Divisional Director to the Director General.

Technical and Vocational Education Division


The Technical and Vocational Education Division (TVED) is one of the Ten (10) Divisions of the Ghana Education Service (GES) Headquarters responsible for implementing pre-tertiary Technical and Vocational Education under the Ministry of Education (MoE).

Vision Statement

To provide relevant and quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training Skills to meet Ghana’s socio-economic development.

Mission Statement

To create enabling environment for the youth to acquire quality demand-driven TVET employable skills and general education to enable them fulfill the country’s TVET human resource requirements.

Our Mandate

Organize and supervise the delivery of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in institutions at the pre-tertiary level in the public education system

Provide supervisory oversight over Technical and Vocational Institutions in the private sector that follow GES/TVET Examinations.

Develop and review curricula for TVET courses

Conduct TVET examinations and awarding corresponding certificates for all its courses

Collect and collate data from TVET Institutions

Conduct research on TVET issues

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Assist in exposing students at the Basic and SHS levels to a range of practical activities in collaboration with the relevant Divisions of GES to make them familiar and to stimulate their interest in TVET programmes so as to give them the opportunity to choose their future careers in either the technical, vocational or general education field

Equip students who have completed Basic Education with TVET skills to enable them enter into gainful employment in the industry.

Equip students with relevant productive and entrepreneurial skills related to TVET courses to prepare them for self-employments.

Promote increased participation of women in education, training and employment in the TVET Sector.

Provide sound academic foundation for TVET delivery and for further education for those students who may wish to continue their education during their working life in the context of lifelong education.


The Division has Seven (7) Units as summarized below:

Programme Development and Supervision:

Curriculum Development, Review and Training

Supervision of public and Private Institution

Human Resource and Industrial Liaison:

Instructor and Management Training

Industrial Attachment

Tracer Studies

Finance and Administration:

Budget Preparation and Implementation

General Divisional Administration

Accreditation of Institutions

Statistics, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation:

Collecting and collating Statistical data in Public/Private Institutes

Making follow-up to monitor and evaluate delivery of programmes

Conducting research to help review courses

Women in Technical Education (WITED), Guidance and Counseling:

Encouraging females to pursue male dominated course

Providing Guidance and Counseling Services to Basic School pupils to pursue TVET

Technical Examinations Unit:

Conduct of GES TVET and National Secretariat in Office Management Examinations

Award of Certificates

ICT (supporting research and other IT activities)

Facilitating the integration of ICT into TVET curriculum to enhance TVET Delivery

Coordinating ICT activities in Technical Institutes

Training for ICT teachers

Collecting and collating Statistical data in Public TVET Institutes

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Source: Ghana Education Service.

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The Ghana Education Service has cautioned all Headteachers of Public Basic Schools in the country to desist from collecting BASIC EDUCATION ...