Monday, 22 January 2018

After National Service What Next?

National Service LogoEvery child dreams of landing in his / her dream job. He / she would fanticised and sometimes behave and dress like how successful people do. It is this zeal that propels him / her to learn hard whiles in school. Some would engage in illegal acts to pass examinations whiles in school.
One would, by law have to go through a year mandatory National Service in Ghana.
Hitherto, one gets automatic employment even before completing his / her service. The case of the Ghanaian Graduate is that he / she must search and apply for non – existence jobs.

The main challenge sometimes is the huge number that are searching for these jobs. The time is now for you to make a choice – between Freedom and Bondage. It is a choice between wealth and poverty. The stark truth is that you are not the only unemployed chap in Ghana or elsewhere. There are several of your kind in the system.

"National Service is a preparatory ground to acquire a special skill"

The only solution to the current unemployment mess, is for one to be SELF EMPLOYED. Don’t do national service and expect government to employ you.
National Service does not guarantee employment.

Learn a skill
You can relieve yourself from this bondage by taking the first step. Learn any skill. It can be driving, swimming, dancing, acting, cooking, drawing, public speaking, writing, reading, drumming, etc. Learn the skill very well as if your whole life depends on it. Go online and search for relevant information on the new skill. Ask people who are using similar skill and learn from them.
Buy books which contains information about your new skill.

Package the skill
Now you have acquire the new skill. Package your skill so that it looks attractive. Contact others to help you package your skill. Visit and search your skill in action.
Search on the internet. The internet contains plethora of information on packaging your skill.
Learn from your competitors. Do not copy them. Create your own unique style.

Market your SKILL
Whatever skill you have must be marketed. Use social media to your advantage. Advertise on Facebook, twitter, YouTube, etc. Post only relevant information about your skill on your social media platform. Move to people or from house to house to market your skill. Using your skill for free sometimes is way of marketing.

You should always remember that when you are loaded you will be needed.

Price your skill
Give your skill a price. Don’t under – priced  or overpriced your skill. Do not fear to price your skill. Price your skill based on the cost of production. Use only quality materials when producing your skill.

The problem with the Ghanaian Graduate is that he / she lacks the skills to create employment.

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