Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Study Leave with Pay 2021/2022 - AminuwritesTv


GES wishes to bring to the notice of its eligible employees the approved subject areas for Study Leave With Pay for 2021/2022 academic year.

The table below shows the various allocation. 

Download the Table Here

National Teaching Council Releases Results - AminuwritesTv


The National Teaching Council (NTC) is set to release the results of May 2021 Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination (GTLE) 

on Thursday, July 29, 2021.


All candidates can check their results from the NTC online portal at exam.ntc.gov.gh by using either their pins given during registration or their examination index numbers using their phone numbers.

Candidates are advised to print their provisional certificates after checking results.

Thank you.



Thursday, 15 July 2021

GES Announces Releases and Transfers - AminuwritesTv

The Ghana Education Service Announces 2022 Releases/Transfers, 

The Ghana Education Service Announces the commencement of the 2022 Transfers,Releases, Respostings. 

The Service advices all prospective applicants to adhere strictly to the rules and procedures governing the process. 

You can download the statement here.

The Statement also says that all Transfers, Release, etc shall take effective January 2022.

Download the procedure for the application here.

Copyright © AminuwritesTv.

Sunday, 11 July 2021

Biden says teachers deserve 'a raise, not just praise' - AminuwritesTv

 Biden says teachers deserve ‘a raise, not just praise’


Speaking to the nation’s largest teachers union, President Joe Biden said Friday that the pandemic has given America’s parents the “ultimate education” on the challenges of the teaching profession. But even more, he said, the last year has proved that teachers across the U.S. deserve higher pay.

“You deserve a raise, not just praise,” Biden said in remarks at the National Education Association’s annual meeting in Washington. “Every parent in this country who spent the last year educating their children at home understands that you deserve a raise.”

Biden made the case while selling his proposed legislative priorities and budget for next year, which includes $20 billion in new funding that aims to spur states to increase teacher pay. A close ally of teachers unions, the president went on to describe educators as “the single most important component of America’s future.”

All contents © copyright 2021 The Associated Press.

Saturday, 10 July 2021

How Contraceptives Work? - AminuwritesTv


Here's what has to happen for pregnancy to occur after sexual intercourse. Sperm must swim up the vagina, through the cervical opening, upwards through the uterus, and into one of the two fallopian tubes. If an egg, released during that month's ovulation, is in the tube, one sperm has a chance to fertilize it. Contraceptives are designed to prevent this process, and they work in three basic ways. They block the sperm, disable sperm before they reach the uterus, or suppress ovulation. Block is the simplest. Male and female condoms prevent sperm from coming into contact with the vaginal space. That barrier is also why they, unlike other contraceptive methods, are able to prevent transmission of certain sexually transmitted diseases. Meanwhile, the diaphragm, cervical cap, and sponge work by being placed over the cervix, barricading the entrance to the uterus. These contraceptives are sometimes called barrier methods and can be used with spermicides, an example of the second category, disable. A spermicide is a chemical that immobilizes and destroys sperm. Today's spermicides come as foam, cream, jelly, suppositories, and even a thin piece of translucent film that dissolves in the vagina. These products can be inserted directly into the vagina before intercourse, or can be combined with block methods, like a diaphragm or condom, for added proection. The third category for preventing pregnancy works by suppressing the action of an egg maturing in the ovary. If there isn't an egg available in the fallopian tube, there's nothing for sperm to fertilize. Hormonal contraceptives, including the pill, the patch, the Depo shot, and the vaginal ring all release synthetic versions of various combinations of progesterone and estrogen. This hormone cocktail suppresses ovulation, keeping the immature egg safely sequestered in the ovary. Synthetic progesterone also has a block trick up its sleeve. It makes cervical mucus too thick and sticky for sperm to swim through easily. There are other contraceptives that use multiple approaches at the same time. For example, many IUDs, or intrauterine devices, contain synthetic hormones which suppress ovulation. Some also contain copper, which disable sperm while also making egg implantation in the uterus difficult. Block, disable, or suppress: is one strategy better than the other? There are differences, but a lot of it has to do with how convenient and easy it is to use each contraceptive correctly. For example, male condoms would be about 98% effective if everyone used them perfectly. That 98% means if 100 couples correctly used condoms for a year, two women would get pregnant. But not everyone uses them correctly, so they're only 82% effective in practice. Other methods, like the patch and pill, are 99% effective when they're used perfectly. But in practice, that's 91%. Spermicide is only 85% effective, even with perfect usage, and just 71% effective with typical usage. Another important consideration in the choice of contraceptives are side effects, which almost exclusively affect women rather than men. Hormonal methods in particular can cause symptoms like headaches, nausea, and high blood pressure, but they vary from woman to woman. That's why these methods require a prescription from a doctor. The choice of contraceptive method is a personal one, and what works best for you now may change later. Scientists also continue to research new methods, such as a male pill that would prevent sperm production. In the meantime, there are quite a few options to block sperm, disable them, or suppress eggs and keep them out of reach.

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Things To Do In 2025 - Aminuwrites

  I can guarantee you'll be a millionaire if you do this in the next 10 years... -- 1. Move out of your hometown Leave the typical norm ...