Sunday, 15 September 2019

Activities in the Kindergarten

Date: 15th September,  2019.

Lesson 001

Topic: Activities in the KG  Dept

The break down of Activities in the KG
1. Circle Time
2. Phonics
3. Outdoor activities
4. Indoor Activities
5. Story Sharing

1. The Circle Time
This is the period the teacher teaches in the classroom, using resources,  etc. This is the subject you should teach. The lesson to be taught would be organised using the group method approach to teaching.  Children would sit in a Round Nature or Circle form.

2. Phonics Time
This is the time for teaching phonics to the children. The best Phonics Approach is The Jolly Phonics.

3. Outdoor Activities
These planned activities carried out outside the classroom. These lessons should be carried out to develop certain specialized skills in learners.

4. Indoor Activities
These are planned activities carried out inside the classroom for the children to certain special skills and concepts. Language Games,  Learning Games, Puzzles, Rhymes, etc.

5. Story Sharing
These periods are periods where the instructor gives meaningful and appropriate stories using appropriate resources.


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Thursday, 5 September 2019

How well do we know our learners?

The story of Fatima is a wake up call for all teachers and people who deal with children.

A girl by name Fatima went to school in the neighbouring village where she wasn't known well.

For three weeks, she came to school late and every time the teacher punished her.

On the fourth week, Fatima didn't attend school at all and many thought she had *GIVEN UP* on school due to the everyday punishment.

However, Fatima reported again on fifth week and this time she came earlier than everybody.

When the teacher came to class, Fatima was punished for not attending school the previous week but the teacher was also kind enough to commend her for coming early that day, stating that the punishments had finally yielded some results.

Just then, Fatima asked if she could say something and the teacher gave her permission.

*She started :*

_"I've been raised up by a single mother without a brother or a sister. Five weeks ago, my mother fell ill and was hospitalized. The three weeks I came late, I had to prepare something for her every morning and pass by the hospital to deliver the same. Unfortunately, mother passed away last week and that's the reason I didn't come to school. We buried her last Friday. Today I came early since I didn't have to prepare anything or even pass by the hospital. And now that she is gone, I will always be here early''_

As she sat down, no one in the whole class was able to hold their tears, the teacher was not spared either.

How well do we know our learners.  We should go beyond knowing the names of our learners. We should know their names, their parents, their local communities, their hobbies, dreams, fears,  likes and dislikes, etc.

We should go beyond the ordinary. Ordinary teachers just know their learners' name and class performance.

We all have issues that we have to deal with.  So do the children we teach.
That is why the rule of natural justice demands that we give fair hearing.  But teachers should apart from giving fair hearing, apply judgements based on compassion.

So next time your learner, misbehave, just don't start rebuking him or her, but apply compassion.

By Mohammed Aminu Mohammed
(Coach, Trainer, Teacher,  Educationist, School Administrator).
You can reach him via Call or Whatsapp: 233244299706.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Time to reduce the Stress

Many schools are trying hard and increasing workload of teachers with the hope that it will increase performance.

This will only increase rote learning and memorization of facts. It will also results in schools passing examination and yet getting their graduate into the Unemployment line.

We should not allow examination to be the only yardstick for success or teacher performance.
Every year, SPAM is organised in schools that did not perform in the Examinations. Government pride itself for doing better that its predecessor in education when the examination results is better as compared to the previous year's.

Passing Examination is not the main aim of Education.

Teachers and school heads do everything humanly possible,  and even impossible just to make their students pass an external examinations. But, do we blame them? No.  I don't think so.  We have made the system that way.

Schools lack the necessary materials for teaching and learning and yet, teachers are pressurized to produce better examination results.

The sooner you, me, parents and indeed government realises that education is not synonymous with passing an examination,  the better it will be for all of us.

Teachers should not be coerced into bringing out examination experts and passers.

So the next PTA Meeting, SMC Meeting and SPAM in our schools and communities should not focus solely on the examination results.

We should stop labelling some schools and teachers as non performing schools or teachers just because their students did not pass an examination. Schools should be allowed to develop the human faculty. Teachers should be allowed to mould the next generation of leaders.

The next generation would not depend on examination results to be employed.  High GPAs are no longer the qualification for employment.

Teachers should be allowed to focus on developing innovative, resourceful, resilient, creative and highly skilled individuals, for the future.

Examination is just another waste of time in the developments of the child.
Many dreams have been shuttered due to failure in an examination.  We should not continue this way.
Why should we continue ripping our country with the best individuals just because they failed in an examination.

Why do we forced every child in Ghana to study Mathematics,  Integrated Science,  Social Studies and English Language? Why? Why should you get a certain grade before pursuing a particular occupation. Why should we forced our children at the universities and colleges to learn subjects and concepts they may never used in real world? Why should we force every child in the Primary School to memorize the "Times Table" or multiplication table? What crime have the children done?
We need total shift in our mindset.

Schools should be resourced with enough and adequate materials to make teaching and learning activity based.

This is what I believe would save the next generation.

Mohammed Aminu Mohammed.
(Trainer, Coach, Educationist, School Administrator)
(Teacher, Gomoa West)
You can contact the write via Call or Call or Whatsapp: 233244299706.

Things To Do In 2025 - Aminuwrites

  I can guarantee you'll be a millionaire if you do this in the next 10 years... -- 1. Move out of your hometown Leave the typical norm ...