Monday 12 March 2018

Choose Wisely!

The only creature that has the power to Choose is the human being. Where you are today is as a result of some choices you made yesterday. To succeed tomorrow, then check out the choices you are making today, since it will be the fruit you will reap tomorrow. There are series of things you need to observe before making any choice.

Imagine you buying something or investing your time and money in something that may destroy your future. Weigh the consequences of your choices and the steps you are taking. This principle of what is in for me is the first step toward achieving success. Before you take out money from your pocket, it is important to ask the obvious question which requires you to examine what you are about to purchase and see whether it is really beneficial or just for satisfying your human desire.

About 70% of the things we buy, are not the things we really need. The technological products we buy, the clothing we buy, our shoes, etc are things we don't necessarily need. As you part money to buy things you need, you are actually buying and promoting someone's idea or brand. A car loses its value immediately you drove out of the garage. Never enlist cars as part of your investment unless you are establishing a transport company. The car price depreciates as the years go by.

Time is one of the most precious commodity available to man. It is only time that is available to the rich and the poor, the young and the old, the man and the woman, etc. If you invest in it in a profitable venture you stand to gain in the nearest future. The time available toyou today, how you use it will affect your future life. Try waking up early and sleeping late. Invest the first 2 hours before going to work on establishing contact with your creator and reading a material on your job. PLAN

Write down how you wish to see yourself. Describe what you would be exactly. The problem with most of us is that we don't know waht exactly we would like to be. Start living the life you wish to live live in the future. Dress, walk, talk and start behaviour exactly how you wish. The future will automatically be realized in your present life. Live the tomorrow you've always dreamt of today. Are you choosing debt or credit? The item or service you are eager to buy or subscribe to will it increase your financial position or it will diminish it. For instance if you purchase a car for personal use, the following must also be taken care of.
i. the maintenance fee (routine)
ii. the insurance cover
iii. fuel fee
iv. road worthy fee v. accident fee
vi. washing fee
vii. Tollbooth fee
viii. Police Inspection fee
All the fees will cause money to be taken out of your resources. The only benefit you may derive from this car is comfort and ease. Mr. Smith, was given a car by his client and he rejected it. He thanked the client, but refused to take the offer. When the client inquired, he told him that he was not rejecting the car, but he is rejecting the additional cause to his financial woes. The client then replied, "but Sir, I am not taking any money from you. It is absolutely free" Mr. Smith quickly told him it is not Free. You have just increase your financial empire by giving out a liability.

Mohammed A. M.
Personal Development Coach,
Aminu Writes Inc.
call/whatsapp: +233344299706

Sunday 4 March 2018

How Mobile Phones Are Draining Our Pockets?

According to all the telecom companies over 15 million Ghanaians own mobile handset. One cannot finish enumerating the enormous roles of the mobile handset in our lives. But as the saying goes someone's meat is another poison. The wise are using the mobile handset to increase and make money.

About 80% of mobile handset users are only draining their pockets and ruining their future. You can make money with your handset. This piece is not to condemn
the use of mobile handset. This is only to show you how the telecom companies are draining your pockets.

Free calls
Free Calls though good, causes great health hazards on the user. This Free Calls policy make callers speak on the phone over a long time. This causes ear problem in both the immediate and the near future.
Free Calls is one of the greatest time wasters. The time spent can be used judiciously to create wealth. Have you ever quantify the amount of time you spend in making free calls. Can't you use the same time in a viable venture?

Free After One
Almost all the telecom companies are adopting this strategy. This policy allows the caller pay ¢0.20p for the first minute per call. One thing about this policy, is that, unknowingly, to the caller, it encourages the caller to make more calls.
Let us assume Mr. X is a subscriber to this policy and on average he makes five calls a day. This simply means Mr. X will have to purchase ¢30.00 worth of credits a month. This means he will be spending ¢360.00 annually for making calls. If Mr. X continues this way for the next five years it means he would have to pay ¢1,800.00 just on making calls. Can you imagine what this same amount could do if he had been invested in a profitable venture? You can clearly see that you are the
architect of your poverty. Reduce your calls today and increase your wealth in future. Before you make any call, weigh its importance or relevance. Group your calls into asset and liability. Use your calls to create wealth. Your debt stock can reduce drastically if you reduce your calls by just 1%. Practice reducing your calls and check your asset portfolio.

Data bundle
Data bundle is the easiest way to give away money freely.
Your aim of bundling your data is to save cost, at least thats what the telehost advises. The truth of the matter is that when you bundle, it doesn't give you the license to use your data any how. A bundled data could finish before the due date.
Bundled Data is money. Anytime you switch on your data, remember you have open the flood gate increase your misery in future. Purchase data only when you want to develop yourself or increase your wealth. If you disagree with me, then let us do the following calculations. Mr. X bought ¢5.00 data which was used up just for a week. He used the data on social media, downloading music files, video files and other images which has nothing to do with his career or personal
developments. If he continues this practice in the next five years it means, he would have spent ¢1,200. (Breaking it down: ¢5.00 * 4 = ¢20.00 - Per month. ¢20.00 * 12 = ¢240.00 - Per Year. For the next five years - ¢240.00 * 5 = ¢1,200.00)

Borrowed Airtime
There are situations where one is allowed to credit airtime and pay later.
The problem with this strategy is that you pay with interest wherever you want to pay for your debt. Remember this: you cannot cheat the telecom companies. Purchase the airtime instead. This will save you money.

Caller Ring Tone
All the telecom companies have activated this option for interested subscribers. Though a very good avenue for advertisement, most of us, use it for entertainment.
Some of the telecom companies will charge even if the phone had been off for a month. On average ¢0.50 is charged on subscribers. This will amount to ¢0.50 * 12 = ¢6.00 per year.
If the subscriber continues this for the next five years it will amount to ¢30.00.

Mohammed A. M.
Personal Development Coach,
Aminu Writes Inc.
call/whatsapp: +233344299706

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